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Appado Kids

February 2022 favourites

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

Every month we will write about the kids’ entertainment that has been popular in our house. Considering that what is hot and what is not seem to change quite often, we are unlikely to run out of content.

Favourite apps:

Sara is working on a new Nampa app and during the past couple of weeks our kids have been proud beta-testers. But that’s not the only app that the kids have played with, two old favourites, both with the same theme, have made a return to our iPad. We often take out older apps from the iPad when we run out of storage and then download the apps again later, when the time is right.

In both of these apps the child gets to play the vet taking care of animals; fixing broken bones, tummy aches, bumps in the head. It feels good helping-out and the cute animals then show their appreciation. Both apps are well made but have quite different graphic styles, so which one you choose can be a matter of taste. Our soon four-year-old son especially enjoys playing with these apps.

Favourite book:

Mauri Kunnas: Ricky, Rocky and Ringo’s colourful day

Sara has a pile of Mauri Kunnas books from her childhood (she was, and is, a big fan) but this one we got from the library. It is a story of three friends looking for a chameleon that keeps disappearing, as it changes the colour from one scene to another. As always with Kunnas books the illustrations are rich, funny and full of detail. But this particular book works well even with our youngest as he – and essentially our daughter too – still find the other Kunnas book stories a bit too long and difficult to focus on. In our case, it could be a language barrier though.

Favorite on TV/streaming:

Gabby’s Dollhouse (Gabbys Dockskåp in Sweden and Gabbyn Nukketalo in Finland, shown on Netflix)

We have mentioned Gabby’s Dollhouse before (funnily enough, exactly one year ago, where does the time go?!) and after last summer we had not seen much of her in our house. But enter new season 4 and Gabby is firmly back! Although traditionally girly in expression, meaning all pink and with cute cats everywhere, Gabby is a strong and active girl and the stories fascinate both of our kids. We don’t always get the stories ourselves, but then again they are not written to us anyway.

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